Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Jupiter Event - 6th November

Our Jupiter event was announced through local "Radio Pembrokeshire", advertising in the "Western Telegraph" as well as astronomy magazines and posters placed in many places including "Morrisons" at Haverfordwest..

We were  pleased to have in excess of 30 attending, including several for the first time.

Here we have some of that number waiting patiently for the lectures to commence. 

Refreshments were made available during the evening - plenty of sandwiches, cakes, tea and coffee to give a homely feel to the proceedings.

The other side of the room was filled with more smiling faces while around the perimeter there were displays of various 'scopes and binoculars together with images taken by members and a number of leaflets giving helpful advice to visitors.

The pictures below illustrate a number of the displays that were enthusiastically enjoyed by one and all.

Our display boards generally carry photographic images by our members and other helpful advice.

More images here along with the equipment
used to capture them.

A  selection of the telescopes on display.
The one in the foreground is the Solarmax - used to great effect in the summer when the sun shone occasionally.!!
At our Newgale event the public had great views of prominences through this 'scope.

The evening lectures began, as is our custom, with a review of what can be seen in the November sky.

Jim, our "Newsletter" editor covered this enthusiastically in his Glaswegian accent and as a result we all have things to look out for, if and when the clouds part!!
After further refreshments Rob, our secretary, covered the main lecture.

This covered some enlightening material including visits to Jupiter from the Pioneer days in 1973 down to the future missions that are planned.

Information on the make-up of Jupiter and its moons were well received and we certainly were looking forward to getting out there to view these things firsthand.

Following further refreshments we did indeed manage to get some viewing in - the main tool being Rob's 12" Lightbridge which revealed the  main features of the planet - a great climax to the evening particularly for those for whom this was a new experience.

Many grateful comments were received but perhaps particularly heartwarming were such comments as  - "We look forward to meeting you again next time."

Next time is December 4th when we will be having a "Quiz Evening".
This will, of course, be preceded by our "What's Up in December" feature.

We look forward to seeing you all there.