Tuesday, 14 April 2015

April Meeting - Spectroscopy

Our April meeting was held on the usual 1st Tuesday of the month - 7th.

29 met on this occasion, several new ones were on holiday and managed to find us - 1 from London and 2 from the home counties - and another 2 from closer at home made up for some of our regulars that couldn't join us for one reason or another.

Our knowledgeable committee member Kim Gowney handled the "What's Up" item and he was followed by our Secretary and local physics teacher Rob Woodman handling the lecture on spectroscopy.

 Here we have a few attendees with Mike from Goodwick (with the tea!!) entertaining the couple from the home counties.

The content from the meeting can be found on the website-   http://www.pasgroup.org.uk/
Look under Lectures - April and the links are there.

Rob brought along a few props and so at the end of the meeting we could all look at the spectra from various sources.
Peter here is getting involved in the practical side of things.

Later we ventured outside to check the night sky.
Unusually it was fairly clear and Kim had anticipated this and brought along his 8" reflector which several of us looked through after Kim had found some suitably worthy targets.
2 Iridium flares occurred within minutes of each other in the same portion of sky so we also had that as an interesting sideline. Flares are a regular occurrence but 2 close together at almost the same time is not so usual so we were happy to notch that one up.
Next meeting is on 5th May - we look forward to seeing as many of our regulars as can make it and any newcomers - there are a number that make contact via the website that have not attended meetings so if you are one we will be pleased to see you at Letterston memorial Hall at 7.00p.m. .